SheetExchange is a project to help musicians of any level share their music sheets with others, in just a few easy steps:

- Signup for a free account.
- Add the sheets that you have & want to trade.
- Search for the sheets that your are looking for.
- Select one of user's requested sheets that you can offer.
- Send a message to arrange for an exchange.
Once you contact a user, the other user will be able to see your profile and your sheets. Since all communication is through the site, your email address will never be exposed to the other users. We will only use use it to send your notification of new messages.
As a SheetExchange user you will also get a personalized url to send your list of sheets to non-members.
Access SheetExchange on your phone. Scan the QR code below:

This project is in beta stage. Please send us your feedback regarding the system.