FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions
- What is Sheet Exchange and how does it work?
- See About Sheet Exchange.
- I just registered, why can't I log in?
- You need to use the link in the activation e-mail we have sent you in order to activate your account.
- Where can download sheets?
- Some sheets don't have a download link (due to copyrights or similar reasons). If you don't see a download link, you will need to contact the owner and request the sheet or set up an exchange. The more sheets YOU add to the site, the more likely it is to get a response from the other user.
- How can I upload my notes?
- You can upload a file (please try to upload PDF files and images), you can add a link to your existing documents that are shared online, or you can use our bookmarklet to share links. Please do not link directly to files that you do not own, otherwise we may have to remove the link. Alternatively, you can just add the sheet information and let other users contact you to arrange and exchange or request the sheet.
- Where can I see a user's email address?
- We protect email addresses to avoid spam and ensure privacy of users. All communication is done through the site (but you will get an email notification when you get a new message). Once you trust a user and want to exchange sheets with them, you can ask for their personal contact information. Additionally when you contact a user, you have the option of including your email address in their reminder so they can contact you directly.
- Can I add a sheet title someone else has also added?
- When the actual exchange of sheets is done between users themselves, it is OK if several people have the same sheet. However, in order the keep the site clean and more accessbile, please do not add duplicates (sheets with the same link and the same information).

If your question is not answered here, please contact us.